// ==================[璇锋牴鎹勾浠藉厛鍚庨『搴忓湪瀵瑰簲鍒嗙被娣诲姞鏁版嵁,瓒婃柊鐨勫唴瀹硅秺闈犲墠]=================== /** * 绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡鏁版嵁閰嶇疆 */ var ResponsibilityData = {}; /** * 鍒嗛〉鏂囧瓧閰嶇疆 */ ResponsibilityData.page = { /** 涓枃鐗 - 榛樿,涓嶉渶瑕佽缃 */ /** 鑻辨枃鐗 */ 'en' : {'prev_text' :"Prev", 'next_text' : "Next"} }; /** * 绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡 * @type Array */ ResponsibilityData.shehuizeren = { /** 涓枃鐗 */ 'zh-cn' : [ { 'time': '2024-02-19', 'title': "2023骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗚繘灞曟姤鍛?, 'src': '2023/Progress Report on Responsible Mineral Supply Chain Management in 2023.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2023-08-14', 'title': "2023骞存俯瀹ゆ皵浣撴牳鏌ョ敵鏄庝功-璐靛窞鎸崕鏂版潗鏂欐湁闄愬叕鍙?, 'src': '2023/2023 Greenhouse Gas Verification Declaration GY.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2023-08-14', 'title': "2023骞存俯瀹ゆ皵浣撴牳鏌ョ敵鏄庝功-璐靛窞鎸崕涔夐緳鏂版潗鏂欐湁闄愬叕鍙?, 'src': '2023/2023 Greenhouse Gas Verification Declaration YL.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2023-05-16', 'title': "2022骞村害鍙寔缁彂灞曟姤鍛?, 'src': '2022/2022 Sustainable Development Report.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2023-03-17', 'title': "2022骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?, 'src': '2022/Report on Due Diligence Management for_c.pdf?20230318' } ,{ 'time': '2022-04-08', 'title': "2021骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2021/鎸崕鏂版潗锛氳吹宸炴尟鍗庢柊鏉愭枡鑲′唤鏈夐檺鍏徃2021浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡.PDF' } ,{ 'time': '2022-03-14', 'title': "2021骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?, 'src': '2021/2021骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?pdf?20221124' } ,{ 'time': '2021-07-06', 'title': "2020骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2020/2020骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2021-03-31', 'title': "2020骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?, 'src': '2020/2020骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2020-09-03', 'title': "2019骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2019/2019骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2020-05-19', 'title': "2019骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?, 'src': '2019/2019骞磋礋璐d换鐭夸骇渚涘簲閾惧敖璐g鐞嗘姤鍛?pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2019-07-30', 'title': "2018骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2018/2018骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2019-07-24', 'title': "2018骞存尟鍗庢柊鏉愭枡璐熻矗浠荤熆浜т緵搴旈摼杩涘睍鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2018/2018骞存尟鍗庢柊鏉愭枡璐熻矗浠荤熆浜т緵搴旈摼杩涘睍鎶ュ憡.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2018-05-23', 'title': "2017骞碯EC璐熻矗浠婚挻渚涘簲閾捐繘灞曟姤鍛?, 'src': '2018/2017骞碯EC璐熻矗浠婚挻渚涘簲閾捐繘灞曟姤鍛?pdf' } //,{ 'time': '2018-05-22', 'title': "2017骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2018/2017骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2018-04-02', 'title': "2016骞碯EC璐熻矗浠婚挻渚涘簲閾捐繘灞曟姤鍛?, 'src': '2017/2016骞碯EC璐熻矗浠婚挻渚涘簲閾捐繘灞曟姤鍛?pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2017-07-02', 'title': "2016骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡", 'src': '2017/2016骞村害浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鎶ュ憡.pdf' } ] /** 鑻辨枃鐗 */ , 'en' : [ { 'time': '2023-03-17', 'title': "Report on Due Diligence Management for Responsible Mineral Supply Chain 2022", 'src': '2022/Report on Due Diligence Management for.pdf?20230318' } ,{ 'time': '2022-04-08', 'title': "Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021", 'src': '2021/Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2022-03-14', 'title': "Report on responsible mineral supply chain due diligence management in 2021", 'src': '2021/Report on responsible mineral supply chain due diligence management in 2021.pdf?20221125' } ,{ 'time': '2021-03-31', 'title': "Report on responsible mineral supply chain due diligence management in 2020", 'src': '2020/Report on responsible mineral supply chain due diligence management in 2020.pdf' } /*{ 'time': '2019-07-29', 'title': "Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018", 'src': '2018/Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018.pdf' } */,{ 'time': '2019-07-24', 'title': "Progress Report on Responsible Mineral Supply Chain of Zhenhua E-chem in 2018", 'src': '2018/Progress Report on Responsible Mineral Supply Chain of Zhenhua E-chem in 2018.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2018-05-23', 'title': "Progress Report on Responsible Cobalt Supply Chain in 2017", 'src': '2018/Progress Report on Responsible Cobalt Supply Chain in 2017.pdf' } //,{ 'time': '2018-05-22', 'title': "Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2017", 'src': '2018/Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2017.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2018-04-02', 'title': "Progress Report on Responsible Cobalt Supply Chain in 2016", 'src': '2017/Progress Report on Responsible Cobalt Supply Chain in 2016.pdf' } ,{ 'time': '2017-07-02', 'title': "Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016", 'src': '2017/Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016.pdf' } ] }; 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